We have one little excited munchkin in our house tonight! Gracie Elizabeth turns five tomorrow. She has been announcing the number of days until her birthday to everyone she encounters these last 6 or 7 days. I love that she thinks everyone is interested in her life, even strangers. She has big birthday plans. She will have a blast at school tomorrow with her fabulous teachers and friends. My students have even asked her to come to our classroom tomorrow because some of them have gifts to give her! Friday night, we're having a Wild-n-Wacky BYOS Party. Gracie decided she wants everyone to dress crazy and bring your own steak, her favorite food. It should certainly be wacky. We didn't send out invitations this year, so please come if you'd like. We're getting wacky at Dad's house around 5:00. Call us if you need more information. Then, Gracie is sharing a pool party will her friend, Will. They are in class together at Oak Hill. The kids in their class are coming to swim with them at The Collins' new home. In case that's not enough, Gracie is leaving the next day on a trip to Destin with Grandma and Grandpa for 5 days!
For her birthday, we put a white iron bed with a trundle in her bedroom. We also bought her an Air Pogo swing. It is fabulous!!!!

Thanks for loving our girl for 5 years!