We later met The Slocums at the zoo. Gracie asked her usual question at least 50 times, "When will we ride the carousel?" We try to save that for last, so it's no wonder we hear that so many times. Good Ole Daddy kept lifting Gracie out of the stroller to see animals as we would stop at the different exhibits. She finally told him, "I do not care about seeing any other animals, so don't pick me up again until we get to the carousel!" She can be so sassy! To keep from getting sick, Doug and I split up the carousel riding, each 2 times. Jenna & I took some cute pictures of the kids together. The zoo is always a great place to snap some fun photos. 

Before dinner, Doug and I took Gracie over to the playground at Oak Hill (where she'll be starting pre-K next year). We've been a couple of times this summer. I want to give her the opportunity to get more familiar and comfortable with the playground before she begins school there. My hope is that she will be less apprehensive about using the equipment if she has more confidence in her ability to use the pieces. She's learning. There are some pieces that she simply can't use without help. That makes me so sad for Gracie so I want to teach her how to independently use as much as she can. As we were starting to leave, the sprinklers came on. By the time we got to the car, Gracie was drenched. She ran through them several times and had a blast! (Unfortunately, no pictures of the playground.)