School is now out, so Gracie and I have all summer to dedicate to making her a big, strong girl. She goes through stages of being motivated and being frustrated. She complains very little now about her legs itching. She is still unable to sleep through the night without calling us back at least once, often twice. However, it is getting easier to console her and get her back to sleep each time. The natural drug Gracie is taking, 5-HTP, doesn't seem to make a difference with her bedtime anxiety so we are still giving her 1/2 of a Children's Benadryl at bedtime. We will hopefully be able to stop both of them soon.
Gracie enjoyed some playtime with Baby Kate recently. She loves playing with all of her baby gear, too. Luckily Kate is not old enough to object yet because Gracie often borrows a toy from Kate each time she is around her.

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