After the last PT session at the hospital on Sunday, we all drove home. Dr. Park prescribed Valium and Tylenol with Codeine for Gracie to take before we left and then once we got home, as needed. The drive went pretty well. Gracie didn't sleep but she was very calm and easy to entertain until we got to the Ashland City exit. She then became stiff and wanted to get home quickly.
Going into the last PT session, we all felt insecure, nervous, and sure that the hospital was discharging her prematurely. However, the last therapy session encouraged us all. The grandparents decided not to go the therapy in hopes that Gracie would not cry out for their attention and assistance. She did much better with just the two of us there. Gracie knows how much her grandparents love her and hate to see her upset, so she uses this to manipulate the situation sometimes. Seeing that she was able to be moved without crying made us feel better. She even got on her hands and knees and crawled a few steps at the end of therapy.
Getting home was exciting for us all, especially Gracie. We were welcomed with a couple of banners, balloons, dinner, and even flowers for Mother's Day! Once we got her inside, we weren't really sure what to do with Gracie. It felt a lot like coming home with a newborn. Currently, she is most comfortable in the bed, on her side or back. She has been in the hospital bed that had her propped up. We wanted to set up something like that here but she is also terribly sensitive to anything touching her incision on her back. Going to the bathroom is also quite an ordeal. Right now, this is something that takes 2 people to help her do. Gracie is extremely scared of falling forward, even when she is held tightly. This is due to the weakness of her trunk muscles from the surgery. We were warned that this might happen. She will need to rebuild her strength in many muscles as well as her confidence.
I am eager to get back to work when the time is right. My boss has graciously offered me a little more time at home to adjust before returning to work (half days). School gets out at the end of this month so I'll have all summer to spend with Gracie.