We just received our second phone call update. We were told that Gracie went to sleep quickly and that the surgery is going well. They have finished cutting the nerves on one side and are now moving to her other side. She is about half way through! Once they are completely finished, Dr. Park will come out and talk to us. At that point Doug and I will be able to go to the recovery room to be there when Gracie wakes up. We have been warned that her face will be swollen because of being on her stomach for the surgery. The medicine they give her also contributes to the swelling. We will be with her in the recovery room for an hour or so. Later, she will be moved to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Gracie will spend the night in the PICU tonight before being moved to Dr. Park's floor. The remainder of her stay will be there on the 12th floor with Dr. Park and his wonderful team.
Thank you so much for continuing the updates. Can't stop thinking about Gracie today. My best to you all.
Praying all day....
Let us know your room number when you have it!
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